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Wanderlust offers opportunities for indivuals and companies to show their dedication and support to Tallahassee arts and culture while receiving visible recognition and exclusive benefits.
To make an individual donation, click here.
For more information on how to become a corporate donor contact:
Emma Calabrese, Development Director.

We thank the LeonCARES and the Florida Division of Arts & Culture for their vital support of the Frenchtown Project.

Under $250
Social Media Shout-Out
Website recongnition

Social Media Shout-Out
Website recognition
Acknowledgement in program & printed materials

Acknowledgement in program, online & printed materials
1/4 page program ad
2 tickets to a future performance

Acknowledgement in program, online & printed materials
1/2 page program ad
2 tickets to a future performance
invite to exclusive premiere reception

Social Media Shout-Out
Acknowledgement in program & printed materials
Exclusive Wanderlust swag bag

Acknowledgement in program, online & printed materials
full page program ad
2 tickets to a future performance
invite to premiere reception
Exclusive guided tour of Frenchtown Heritage Trail

Social Media Shout-Out
Acknowledgement in program & printed materials
Exclusive Wanderlust swag bag
2 tickets to a future performance

Acknowledgement in program, online & printed materials
full page program ad
4 tickets to a future performance
invite to premiere reception
Exclusive guided tour of Frenchtown Heritage Trail
Poetry Workshop w/ Black on Black Rhyme

Social Media Shout-Out
Acknowledgement in program & printed materials
Exclusive Wanderlust swag bag
4 tickets to a future performance

Acknowledgement in program, online & printed materials
full page program ad
4 tickets to a future performance
invite to premiere reception
Exclusive guided tour of Frenchtown Heritage Trail
Poetry Workshop w/ Black on Black Rhyme
Private Zoom concert with Royce Lovett
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